Creator agreement

Last updated 10 Oct 2022

The creator agreement outlines the agreement between creators and Pixelliott.
The creator agreement must be accepted when signing up to be a creator.
If the creator agreement is updated after signing up, then a prompt will present to accept the updated agreement.

Breach of the agreement may result in the immediate termination of your account.

Uploading photos

All photos that are uploaded to Pixelliott will contribute to your storage allowance. You will be unable to upload more than your allowance. You can upgrade / downgrade your storage allowance at any time by managing your plan.

Licencing intention

Creators should only make photos available to purchase if they own or have equivalent rights and copyrights. Photos should be available for licencing, i.e. the photos haven't been designated for the public domain.
Photos shouldn't be uploaded if you break an agreement with another party.
By uploading a photo to Pixelliott, you give Pixelliott permission to analyse, modify and display the photo on your behalf.

Hosting intention

Photos can be uploaded for example, for the purposes of backup as opposed to being publicly available for purchase. Photos uploaded for the purposes of hosting that contain illegal content will not be tolerated and removed immediately.

Pixelliott reserves the right to be able to edit any information without prior contact from the creator.

Profanity should not entered into any field on Pixelliott.

Creator's photos may be subject to manual review that may result in a delay in photos being available for purchase. Pixelliott makes every attempt to ensure that there are not significant delays in manual reviewal.

Pixelliott uses machine learning to help provide its services. Pixelliott cannot be held responsible for the outcome of machine learning services.

Explicit content

If explicit content is uploaded onto Pixelliott, it will be blurred to ensure that Pixelliott is safe for everyone.
Explicit content cannot currently be sold or purchased through Pixelliott.


If you have any queries about this document, contact